Want to help AzureCraft?

Want to Donate? Everything goes to the server! by Admin
Do you want to support AzureCraft?

We do now accept donations and EVERYTHING goes to the server.

You will be granted a VIP rank in-game.
You will be mentioned in the Donor/VIP list (unless you want to be anonymous!) for your donation!

Donors/VIP List

Want to Donate? Everything goes to the server! by Admin
Donor List!
We are very, very grateful for your donations to this server!

MarchingHats - $10
MrChrissyD - $10
Jabber82 - $20


What does the donation go to?

Want to Donate? Everything goes to the server! by Admin
Every single dime goes to the server!
Every single dime counts!

It will be to upgrade the server, for example:
  • Increasing server memory.
  • Increasing the server's player slots.
  • Moving the server to a different location.
  • To maybe even buy another server!
  • Upgrading our website to an own domain and better graphical design.

An overview of the latest upgrades and purschases for the server will be posted here on the forums!
We listen to what YOU want and we will try to invest in what's been suggested! We want to form AzureCraft into a knit-tight community!